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DARCET (Suzhou) CO., Ltd
T E L:0512-62518768
F A X:0512-62519739 
ADD:21-A101, Creative Industrial Park, No.328 XingHu Street Suzhou Industrial park, Jiangsu Province, China
Suzhou Industrial Pack,jiangsu,PRC.
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Service & Support Team

  Being close to customers in providing rompt ,comprehensive and  excellent services, we  has   office  strategically  located  in Malaysia and China with more than 50 sales and service teams.
  We   provide  onsite  and  offsite  training  in  ensuring  our customer staff to be familiarized with our system.
  Meantime, our service engineers are just a phone call away and we provide comprehensive service on site.
  Our Services:
  - Immediate installation
  - 24 hours On-Site Technical Support
  -Technical consultancy
  - On-site operation support
  - Training

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Tel:0512-62518768  0512-62518798    Fax:0512-62519739     mail :infor@darcet.com.cn    Code:215123
ADDR:21-A101, Creative Industrial Park, No.328 XingHu Street Suzhou Industrial park, Jiangsu Province, China